I buy the Flax seeds at Makro. I always have at least 3-4 bags in stock at my home.

I am not surprised why doctors say nothing about Flax seeds, they don’t know much about any seeds!
Doctors are in the sickness business. They earn money by selling their services and expensive drugs.
Flax seeds are too cheap to earn any significant income for doctors……….plus, 99% of doctors know nothing about flax seeds.
Doctors will actually lose income if they tell their patients about flax seeds…….patients will get healthy and not need to see the doctor anymore!
Doctors spend up to 10 years going to school, learning how to be doctors.
In that 10 years, they only spend a few hours learning about food and nutrition.
Most of the time learning about food for babies and infants, not adults.
So going to a doctor for advice on food is like asking a blind person which way to go if you are lost.

Flax-seeds demonstrated the most potent effect on reducing high blood pressure compared to other food and supplements (according to Dr. Greger’s website). The effect was comparable to many blood-pressure drugs……without the serious side-effects.
Blood-pressure drugs damage your liver……..flax seeds do not.

Go to this website for lots more information about health.
All the short videos on Dr. Greger’s website are about 3-5 minutes long and he speaks in simple easy-to-understand English.


If you are serious about taking the next step in reducing your high-blood pressure, you need to consider your diet.
Eating meat has been proven to cause heart disease (See what happened to the population of Norway during WW2).
If you stop eating meat, or at least reduce your meat intake…..your blood pressure will drop automatically.

Have a look at this video on how changing diet helped Dr. Greger’s grandmother live 31 more years.
From a wheelchair to walking 10 miles-a-day after 21 days and all she did was make a lifestyle change!
Instead of dying at age 65, she lived to age 96 years! All she did was change her diet.

I have attached a photo from a video of a heart artery that has repaired itself in less than 3 years.
This was accomplished with a change in diet…………no operation and no drugs.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Below, the photo is from the short video (TedX talk) by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD (a researcher and clinician at the Cleveland Clinic for over 35 years who wrote the book “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease”.)

I reduced my own weight by 26 kilos………and my blood pressure dropped automatically.
I now weigh 97 kilos………..and I am going to drop to 95 soon.
The ideal blood pressure should be 120/80…….mine is now below normal.
I have never taken blood pressure medication.
I keep track of my blood pressure by checking it at home regularly.

27 Sep 2020, Sun 07:00 – 08:00 BP 127/84
 3 Oct 2020, Sat 10:30 – 11:30 BP 100/66
10 Oct 2020, Sat 18:30 – 19:30 BP 124/76
27 Oct 2020, Tue 21:30 – 22:30 BP 113/69
31 Oct 2020, Sat 08:00 – 09:00 BP 117/72
 3 Nov 2020, Tue 07:30 – 08:30 BP 124/79
19 Nov 2020, Thu 21:00 – 22:00 BP 127/69
22 Nov 2020, Sun 12:00 – 13:00 BP 111/76
 9 Dec 2020, Wed 07:15 – 08:15 BP 117/76
12 Dec 2020, Sat 08:00 – 09:00 BP 104/67
16 Dec 2020, Wed 08:00 – 09:00 BP 105/69
19 Dec 2020, Sat 20:30 – 21:30 BP 119/78
26 Dec 2020, Sat 08:00 – 09:00 BP 127/69
27 Dec 2020, Sun 20:00 – 21:00 Bp 118/73
 5 Jan 2021, Tue 21:00 – 22:00 BP 113/70
 8 Jan 2021, Fri 19:30 – 20:30 BP 110/59
 9 Jan 2021, Sat 09:00 – 10:00 BP 128/54

Since the January 2019, I have lost a lot of weight.
I used to weigh 122 kilos………now I weigh 98 kilos.
My pants fall off if I don’t wear a belt and I don’t need to unzip the pants to take them off when I get home after work.
My target weight is 95 kilos and hope to reach this within 2 months.
I am in no rush, because I have made a lifestyle change.
I do not starve myself and I am never hungry.
I simply choose the right food to eat that is nutritious and filling.
The weight was lost for a simple reason……economics.
If I maintain my XXXL size, I have to be prepared to spend a lot more for doctors and hospitals as I grow older.
Losing the weight makes sense because now I can improve my chances of living a longer, healthy life and not having to pay those blood-sucking doctors!

Everyone I talk to about the lost weight is interested in my story when I emphasize the economic benefits.
If you only talk about the health benefits, they lose interest quickly.
If you tell them my story, they willingly listen and learn:
I lost weight so I wouldn’t have to give all my money away to strangers when I am older.
Being overweight means I will be a higher risk for many diseases, including; heart/stroke/cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes/blood diseases, liver disease, kidney disease….and more.

Staying overweight means I will grow old and sickly and have to rely on doctors and hospitals and expensive medication.
My biggest fear is being stuck in a wheelchair or having to rely on others to take care of me when I am unable to even wipe my own butt.
All my assets and money I have saved working my whole life will be given away to doctors and hospitals.
I would rather give my money to my family……….not strangers!
If I maintain a normal weight and stay healthy, my family will benefit from my efforts.
I know that getting sick and needing an operation to repair my heart is VERY EXPENSIVE.
So if you think staying healthy is expensive…………….try getting sick and you will understand why hospitals earn so much.

The main reason I have dropped my weight is for financial reasons……I cannot afford to get sick.
Staying healthy is the cheapest option for me.

I do not want to retire and be forced to give all my money to doctors, just to stay alive.