Over the years, I have purchased many juicers and worn out several different models.
It’s true, I use the juicer so much that I wear them out.
I think I have tried at least 8 different juicers.
I now know a lot about juicers, there are good ones and there are really bad ones.
I recommend that you only use a slow juicer because the fast ones are wasteful.

I proved it when I compared juicers at a friend’s home.
His wife had just made 3 cups of juice using a fast juicer.
I was delivering a slow juicer that day and said “Let’s try putting the leftover vegetable pulp into the slow juicer to see if we get any more juice.”
Believe it or not, the slow juicer gave us 3 more cups of juice from the discarded pulp of the fast juicer. The slow juicer is able to extract DOUBLE the juice volume from the same amount of vegetables and fruit.

I will never use a fast juicer again!

I continue to drink vegetable juice everyday. It is part of my standard breakfast.
Mon-Fri, I drink a glass of juice and have a selection of fresh fruit……later the same morning, I have a cup of coffee and a cookie at the office.
On weekends, I splurge. I add 2 slices of bread or a pancake in addition to the juice, fruit and coffee.

I never eat bread on weekdays, bread makes me fat.

I am lazy to clean the juicer everyday, so I make several liters of juice 2 x a month and freeze the juice. Fresh vegetable juice starts to go sour (bad) after 5 days in the refrigerator…..freezing it makes it last forever.
I use 1.5 liter wide-mouth water bottles to freeze the juice in. Wide mouth bottles make them easier to clean because I can get my hand inside easily.
I take out a bottle the night before and defrost it in the kitchen sink so it is ready for my morning drink. remember to shake the bottle before pouring into your glass
Freezing is not the preferred method because the freezing process kills some of the health benefits of fresh juice. If you can make fresh vegetable juice every 4 days, you will be drinking juice with a higher concentration of healthy phyto-nutrients.

The recipe for the juice I drink is below:

I use Tomato juice instead of fresh tomatoes because the tomato is so soft. Most of the tomato juice goes out with the pulp, instead of going with the extracted juice. I use only one brand of tomato juice, the Doi Kham brand. Doi Kham is available at all supermarkets in Thailand. This is the only brand with support under Royal Patronage. This is the only brand that only sells juice made from real fruit and vegetables………..unlike most other brands that sell juices made from juice-concentrate mixed with chemicals. I don’t know what bands you have in your country but you should choose one that doesn’t have preservatives and isn’t made from concentrated juice.

The proportion is approximately 80% vegetables and 20% fruit, otherwise the juice is too sweet.
I sometimes add a banana or kiwifruit to my breakfast juice each morning (kiwifruit including the skin).

I use a blender and occasionally mix the juice with more fruit like bananas/kiwi/passion fruit.